I hoped to do a little more CSS and SCSS, so I finally got around to something I’ve always wanted – an album cover generator: https://stevenvictor.net/kmfdm. I was reminded of this when I was adding a few enhancements to the alphabet flashcard app https://stevenvictor.net/abc.

The band KMFDM has a very specific and recognizable style, and they also love a little bit of self-referential and self-deprecating humor. I also love it when non sequiturs or random value sets up the perfect punchline. Here a a few of the funnier albums I created with some SVGs from FlatIcon.com.


I’m sure there are plenty of good ways to display one of many SVGs randomly, but what I did was:

  1. Scale all of them down a bit.
  2. Run them through https://react-svgr.com/ to make them into react components
  3. Concatenate all components into one file, and export an array of components.
  4. Add in a parameter to set the fill color.
  5. Pick a component at random from the array.

There’s still plenty to do on this. The color values are duplicated between the css and the javascript. I need get the image download button working on mobile. I want to add some more SVGs that can pass for the style of Adrian Hughes. https://www.pinterest.com/perihelion3/aidan-hugheskmfdm/

The app is still good enough and fun enough to share, though. Have fun!